Monday, October 29, 2012

Couponing - a whole new world!

So, I didn't share any new posts or projects last week. My apologies.

The reason? Last week I gave less time to blogging and more time to another activity that is new to me - couponing! Don't worry, I won't be trying out for TLC's Extreme Couponing (not any time soon at least).


My husband and I are on a mission to trim our budget, so this is one way to do just that. Thankfully I have some thrifty friends (especially you Rachel!) who can help me learn the ways of becoming a coupon master.

And there is a lot to learn. It's been almost overwhelming at times. But I won't get into that here.

One great thing about couponing is that it is another outlet for me to be organized in a pretty way. I am excited to start a coupon binder or some other organization system. I haven't decided what it will be just yet.

Okay, am I sounding like a complete nerd here? That's alright. I fully embrace my nerdy tendencies.

I hopped on Pinterest to see how others are beautifully organizing their coupons, and I found some great ideas. I thought I would share some of them with you. (If you are going to pin any of these images, please so so from the original source as they are not my images. Thanks!)

I like this box method - especially the patterned dividers.


The aqua pages of this binder caught my eye. When I left Pinterest to check out the original source, I found out they're from Martha Stewart's office line at Staples. Oh Martha, you always get me!


 Love the rainbow colour-coding going on here!


This binder is just so PRETTY and there are lots more great pics of it in the original post.


You can check out my entire pin board of inspiration here. There are so many great ideas out there.

When I get myself organized with a pretty and functional system, I will be sure to share it with you.

In the meantime, tell me, do you coupon? How do you stay organized?

1 comment:

  1. I've been noticing your extreme couponing ways on fb recently- then when I see your trail, I'm on it- first with the p&g samples, then the liberte yogurt... Haha. Good work!


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