These are some shots of a lilac bouquet my friend's mom cut for me this past spring. Lilacs are pretty to look at and even more intoxicating to smell! Too bad scratch and sniff blogging hasn't been invented yet!
A gift is a wonderful thing. Something special picked out especially for a specific person. But the gift itself is even more special when presented in a beautiful package. For many things we are taught "don't judge a book by it's cover". However, when it comes to presents, I like to make the outside just as lovely as the gift inside.
In the last year, I've reacquainted myself with my love of gift wrapping. I remember as a kid, my mom would get me to help her with all the Christmas wrapping (not my presents of course) and I loved it! Picking out paper and ribbon to match, taping everything in place just did much to feed my perfectionist tendencies.
Here are a few shots of gifts I've wrapped for friends and family.